dc.contributorSaquicela Novillo, Fernando Adrián
dc.creatorGuiñansaca Vélez, Jessica del Rocío
dc.creatorRodas Guayas, María Fernanda
dc.description.abstractThis project aims to establish a proposal that helps to optimize the processes of Incubandina S.A. Cuenca Agency based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard to promote the optimal development of daily activities in order to improve the perception of satisfaction of both external and internal customers through an adequate reformulation of the processes. This is due to the fact that the Agency is a relatively new company in the Ecuadorian Austro and therefore its processes are disorganized, there are unnecessary tasks and even duplication of functions which generates waste that is translated into time and products, causing dissatisfaction in the clients and demotivation in collaborators. Therefore, by implementing a Process Management System, these could be improved. In the first instance, an information survey was carried out in order to understand the Agency and its processes, later the information collected was analyzed and through continuous improvement tools the main problems of the Agency and their causes were determined. Later, a restructuring of the processes and a diagnosis were carried out to establish the level of compliance with respect to the International Standard. Finally, indicators were proposed through the Balanced Score Card methodology to facilitate the monitoring and control of the processes
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectAdministración de Empresas
dc.subjectEmpresa avícola
dc.subjectCambio organizacional
dc.subjectMejora continua
dc.subjectCantón Cuenca
dc.titlePropuesta de un sistema de gestión por procesos con base en la norma ISO 9001:2015 para Incubadora Andina S.A. Agencia Cuenca, periodo 2021

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