Estudio de la resistencia al impacto del acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno ABS y acido polilactico PLA frabricado mediante impresión 3D
2021-03-15Registro en:
Arias Ávalos, Moab Ignacio. (2021). Estudio de la resistencia al impacto del acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno ABS y acido polilactico PLA frabricado mediante impresión 3D. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Arias Ávalos, Moab Ignacio
López Ayala, Diego Marcelo
The purpose of the present work was to develop the characterization of the impact resistance of the polymeric filament acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polylactic acid (PLA), materials mostly used in 3D printing, the main printing parameters were modified, such as the type of meshing, percentage of filling and wall thickness, for this the specimens were modeled in AutoCAD software, following the guidelines of the ASTM D-6110 standard, later this CAD file was exported to STL format to open it in the software Ultimaker Cura, a tool that allowed to manipulate the necessary parameters for this study and automatically transform the STL file to a G code to be entered directly in the 3D printer, each test tube was printed and an inspection was carried out to detect anomalies, later these specimens were taken to the materials resistance laboratory and with the help of the Charpy machine we proceeded to carry out the impact test, the results were collected and tabulated, to finally analyze them and give the pertinent conclusions. The analysis of results showed that the configuration with the most resilience in ABS and PLA materials is the concentric type, and that there is a direct relationship between impact resistance and filling percentage, as well as impact resistance and wall thickness, in addition The different meshes reacted differently depending on the material, in the case of ABS the configuration with the least resilience was the Trihexagonal type of mesh, while in PLA the least resistant to impact was the Linear type of mesh. Finally, analysis graphs and tables of comparative results were prepared in which the different resilience values were shown, according to the fill percentage, wall thickness and type of mesh that the tested specimens had.