dc.contributorBenavides Lara, Julio César
dc.contributorDíaz Berones, Hermenegildo.
dc.creatorGuerrero Catota, Romel Santiago.
dc.identifierGuerrero Catota, Romel Santiago, (2019), Evaluación de diferentes niveles de Cloruro de Litio en la alimentación artificial para el control varroa destructor en abejas (apis mellifera). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractIt was evaluated the acaricidal effect of different levels of lithium chloride in artificial feeding (0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8 g), compared to a control group without application in bees (Apis mellifera), the experimental units that made up the present experimental work were 12 seriously parasitized Langstroth beehives shaped by a hike, modeled under a Completely Random Design, the experimental methodology was based on the determination of the following variables: varroa falls/dm2/day (N °), infestation (%), efficacy of treatments (%), initial and final weight of the hive (kg), mortality of adult bee and breeding (N °), in the district Las Pumarolas, Calpi parish, located 8 km from the Riobamba canton, Chimborazo Province. At the end of the experiment it was determined that the best responses in the control of Varroa destructor were obtained in the hives treated with LiCl (0.6 g) and LiCl (0.8 g), reaching a 100% efficiency, that is, the percentage of infestation in both adult bees and in operculated brood dropped to 0.00% without negatively affecting the bee population, due to its systemic action on the varroas in the forética and reproductive phase, when evaluating the costs of this new technology it was determined that the cost per treated hive was 9.23 and 9.83 USD respectively. For all the above mentioned, it is recommended the use of this product in varroasis control, since it presented satisfactory results, in addition, new research should be carried out based on this product in aspects such as: dosage, intervals and suitable time for its application, new methods to supply it and, most importantly, its presence in the form of traces in honey.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectVARROA (Varroa destructor)
dc.subjectABEJAS (Apis Mellifera)
dc.subjectCLORURO DE LITIO (LiCl)
dc.titleEvaluación de diferentes niveles de Cloruro de Litio en la alimentación artificial para el control varroa destructor en abejas (apis mellifera).

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