dc.contributorCajas Bermeo, Carlos Aníbal
dc.contributorVerdugo Bernal, Catalina Margarita
dc.creatorNúñez Gómez, Jamilton Eduardo
dc.identifierNúñez Gómez, J. E. (2018). Plan de desarrollo turístico para el cantón Cevallos, provincia de Tungurahua. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation proposes: to elaborate a plan of tourist development for the canton Cevallos, province of Tungurahua; Support in four stages; in the first, the situational diagnosis of the tourism sector of the study area in the canton was elaborated through the analysis of the physical-special, ecological-territorial, political-administrative, socio-cultural and economic –productive fields; for the development of the tourist activity, however, data of services and facilities are required to satisty the needs of the demand. The second view is the philosophical framework and the strategy of the sustainable tourism plan through the CPES matrix .Faults were determined in the locality in the relation to the elements of the tourism system. The management of the systemic and real image of the territory, the approach of planning to improve the competitiveness of tourist with the help of the public, private and community sectors for the fulfillment of the strategic and political objectives of sustainable tourism. In the third, the profiles for the programs and projects were prepared, where the bases of the principles of the plan were determined, that is, the mission and vision, the policies and the strategic objectives that will govern the plan aimed at solving the problem through the approach of programs and projects that promote the sustainable tourist activity of the territory .Finally, the annual operating plan for the execution of the tourism development plan has been structured , in the same sense it has focused of the investment for the development of each year. It is concluded that the execution of this plan, locates the bases to improve the development of tourism in the canton. KEYWORDS: SUSTAINABLE TOURISM- TOURIST POTENTIAL- INVENTORY OF TOURIST ATTRACTIONS.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.titlePlan de desarrollo turístico para el cantón Cevallos, provincia de Tungurahua.

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