Diseño de un modelo de gestión de inventarios para la empresa Codelitesa S.A de la ciudad de Ambato
2021-04-14Registro en:
Cobeña Morales, Sabrina Valeria. (2021). Diseño de un modelo de gestión de inventarios para la empresa Codelitesa S.A de la ciudad de Ambato. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Cobeña Morales, Sabrina Valeria
The present study aims to design an Inventory Management Model to reach efficiency during the development of internal product control processes in a company called CODELITESA
S.A located in Ambato city. As for the methodology applied in terms of a mixed approach with a qualitative and quantitative analysis, a diagnosis was carried out through interviews, surveys and a direct observation, applied to 57 employees who work in the administrative area of the company and have a direct relationship with inventories, resulting in deficiencies during the entry and exit process of products. To design the inventory management model, inventories were classified according to their level of investment using the ABC method and the Economic Order Quantity, as well as the formulation of policies and flow charts for the purchasing and reception and inventory control processes. According to the analysis of results, the importance of implementing an Inventory Management Model emerged, knowing that the supermarket business has control over its inventories. Therefore, it is recommended that the CEO of the company implements the Inventory Management Model to improve the control and management of inventories in CODELITESA S.A