dc.contributorOjeda Pardo, Fabián Ricardo
dc.contributorCarranco López, Jefferson Andrés
dc.creatorPujupat Alvarado, Erika Johana
dc.identifierPujupat Alvarado, Erika Johana. (2022). Estudio geotécnico para la construcción de obras civiles: espacio cubierto, edificación para aulas y laboratorios, ubicados en el terreno de la ESPOCH extensión Morona Santiago. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to conduct a geotechnical study on the land of the ESPOCH Morona Santiago campus, located in the city of Macas, in the canton of Morona. It was started with a preliminary investigation that gathered information from the study area such as: the gratuitous bailment contract between the Escuela Superior Politécnica Ecológica Amazónica (ESPEA) and the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH), construction plans, property records of the Municipality of the canton of Morona and regional geology of the campus land. Subsequently, field work was carried out: topographic survey with the use of the total station obtaining a topographic plan of the study area, a geological survey fixing two georeferenced representative points and a geotechnical characterization where three points were fixed for standard penetration test borings (SPT) with a depth of up to 7 meters. This determined the number of blows to penetrate the subsoil and take samples to be analyzed in the laboratory. From the topographic, geological and geotechnical survey it was determined that the study area is within a colluvial deposit of the Mera formation of Quaternary age with the presence of laharitic materials, silts and sands and alluvial deposits located on the banks of the Upano River. Regarding the geotechnics of the site, two more representative levels were determined: level I, light gray to brown silty sand with medium to high silt plasticity and an admissible capacity of 6.61 to 11.54 tons/m2 depending on the type of foundation. Level II, dark gray silty sand, has no plasticity and an allowable load of 39.64 to 77.72 Ton/m2 depending on the type of foundation. It is recommended that the foundations of the building be laid at Level II, i.e., from a depth of 4.50 m or improve the soil corresponding to Level I, if it is desired to lay foundations at this level.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.titleEstudio geotécnico para la construcción de obras civiles: espacio cubierto, edificación para aulas y laboratorios, ubicados en el terreno de la ESPOCH extensión Morona Santiago.

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