Evaluación del efecto inmunoprotector y sanitario de la Ilex guayusa loes (guayusa) sobre el tracto reproductivo en vacas receptoras de embriones Charoláis.
2021-12-17Registro en:
Maldonado Vera, Ana Beatriz. (2021).Evaluación del efecto inmunoprotector y sanitario de la Ilex guayusa loes (guayusa) sobre el tracto reproductivo en vacas receptoras de embriones Charoláis. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Maldonado Vera, Ana Beatriz
The objective was to evaluate the immunoprotective and sanitary effect of Ilex guayusa loes (guayusa) on the reproductive tract in cows. It was developed in the province of Morona Santiago; Canton Morona, Parish Macas, in the community of Zapatero, with 20 non-purebred Charolais cows, which were distributed in four treatments, T0 control group, T1 100 g, T2 200 g, T3 300 g of guayusa leaves, with five repetitions of each treatment. The present research was analyzed under a general mathematical model and the separation of means according to Newman, determining that the use of Illex guayusa loes (guayusa) has an immunoprotective effect, since the use of 300 g of Illex guayusa loes (guayusa) obtained 23.9% of Polymorphous Mononuclear cells, 25.00 UFC/ml of Escherichia coli bacteria (bacteria that influences reproductive problems) and 29, 41 % of embryo implantation, while the application of T0 allowed to register 11.76 % of implantation and 91.0 % of nuclear polymorph cells , and 33.33 CFU/ml, which indicates us that guayusa influenced embryo implantation, recommending the use of Ilex guayusa loes (guayusa) in the feeding of cows to improve their reproductive status.