dc.contributorMejía Flores, Marco
dc.contributorGranja Carrera, Jenny
dc.creatorAnkuash Chumpi, Freddy Ronald
dc.identifierAnkuash Chumpi, F. R. (2019). Estudio geológico de la vía Macas – Riobamba, parroquia 9 de Octubre, desde el km 92 al km 84. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to: create a geological model and design the slope support of the Riobamba Macas road, from km 84 to km 92; comprised between the abscissa 84 + 00 to 92 + 00, located in the Parish Alshi - October 9, presents a geology that is made up of rocks belonging to the Upano unit, where strata of metamorphic type are evident as sericitic schists with intercalations of quartz, micas, biotites, granodiorite intrusive body with weathering process and quaternary deposits of residual soils formed by the decomposition of rocks present in situ, appear in most of the area that comprises the study. For its respective study geological, topographic surveys were carried out in the established area for the investigation and a geological model was elaborated with their respective descriptions of the main stratigraphic units present the causes that generate the instability of the slopes and hillsides which are generated mainly by the presence of water, which causes the saturation of the materials, for its analysis, studies of susceptibility of mass removal phenomena were made by means of a map of susceptibility to MRP and slope map, with the purpose of evaluating the degree of threat to the occurrence of landslide in the study area, in the same way , slope conditions were evaluated using Simplified Bishop and Simplified Janbú method, to determine the Safety Factor that guarantee the stability of these, where criteria for safety measures and respective improvement works were proposed, besides the geomechanical classification of RMR of Bieniawski to establish the quality of the rock mass and the classification of SMR of Romana for rock slopes. Keywords. GEOMECHANICAL CLASSIFICATION - GEOLOGICAL MODEL - SLIDING OF SLOPES.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectMACAS (CANTÓN)
dc.titleEstudio geológico de la vía Macas – Riobamba, parroquia 9 de Octubre, desde el km 92 al km 84.

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