dc.contributorTierra Tierra, Nancy Patricia
dc.contributorChávez Velasquez, Carlos Renato
dc.creatorGusqui Gushqui, Jhonny Patricio
dc.identifierGusqui Gushqui, Jhonny Patricio. (2022). Diseño de una ruta de cicloturismo tramo Santa Lucia de Chuquipogio-Pulingui Centro, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research work was to design a bicycle tourism route in the Santa Lucía de Chuquipoguio-Pulingui Centro section in the Guano canton, Chimborazo province. Therefore, the tourism situation was analyzed, developed, evaluated, and established by carrying out a technical study for subsequent dissemination of the bicycle tourism route. Regarding the methodology, exploratory and descriptive research methods were applied, considering elements of the tourism system, as well as an analysis of local demand. The sample size corresponded to 259 people out of a universe of 1545 to whom the respective survey was applied with defined questions to identify the tastes and preferences of potential tourists through the digital platform Google Forms. The supply and demand forecasts were made by calculating potential, unsatisfied, and target demand. Then a route mapping was established, identifying control points, and establishing route categories to make the corresponding route mapping. As a complement, different tourist packages were proposed according to the categories established, and the technical and operational requirements were identified. The results showed that the site's attractions are in the natural site category and cultural manifestations, which made up a total of 14 tourist attractions, 80% of which were found in a preserved state, in addition to lodging, food, recreation, and additional services such as the sale of handicrafts and guides. It was concluded that the area has several attractions that can generate a positive impact on tourism demand. But there is a need to work with other institutions that could help strengthen these activities in the sector.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectGUANO (Cantón)
dc.titleDiseño de una ruta de cicloturismo tramo Santa Lucia de Chuquipogio-Pulingui Centro, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo.

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