dc.contributorFlores Mancheno, Ana Carola
dc.contributorTierra Tierra, Nancy Patricia
dc.creatorLucio Reinoso, Lily Berenice
dc.identifierLucio Reinoso, L. B. (2019). Plan de desarrollo turístico sostenible para el cantón Mera, provincia de Pastaza. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation proposes: to elaborate a tourist development plan for the canton Mera province of Pastaza, where the following objectives were established: evaluate the tourism potential of the canton, which allowed to determine that it has 89% of natural and cultural tourist attractions of category II, mostly preserved and with a vocation to generate new alternative tourist activities, such as: arborism, SUP in rivers, canopy, canyoning and hiking, capable of rising greater flows of tourist demand, since there is a niche market interests in knowing a new offer, which is in Baños and Pastaza cantons, cities closest to Mera; the next objective was it formulate the philosophical and strategic framework of the plan, which shows de desirable future that is to be achieved in tourism; in the objective four plan programs and ten intervention projects are structures, which mark the apropiate form so that the authorities can invest resources both in terms of facilities and necessary equipment to respond to the identified problem that influences the tourist development of the canton , this planning stablishes a total budget of approximately $1’789.457. It is concluded that the development plan will contribute to take advantage of its tourism potential, thought about the conservation and protection of its natural and cultural heritage, through the participation of all the actors involved in tourism process, in such a way that the offer is inclusive, diverse, attractive and innovative, being able to generate alternatives that support the productive activities of the population and favor the good of the locality. KEYWORDS: TOURIST DEVELOPMENT – SUSTAINABLE TOURISM – TOURIST POTENTIAL.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectMERA (CANTÓN)
dc.titlePlan de desarrollo turístico sostenible para el cantón Mera, provincia de Pastaza.

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