Evaluación de la calidad físico – químico, microbiológica y parasitológica del agua utilizada en las queseras ubicada en la parroquia de Quimiag en el cantón Riobamba perteneciente a la provincia de Chimborazo.
2018-08Registro en:
Carrillo Villafuerte, Ligia Elena. (2018). Evaluación de la calidad físico – químico, microbiológica y parasitológica del agua utilizada en las queseras ubicada en la parroquia de Quimiag en el cantón Riobamba perteneciente a la provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Carrillo Villafuerte, Ligia Elena
The physical-chemical, microbiological and parasitological quality of the water used in the cheese companies located in the Quimiag Parish of Riobamba canton, province of Chimborazo, was analyzed. This study examined the physical-chemical, microbiological and parasitological parameters of the water system that supplies the artisan cheese companies. The samples were taken in triplicate during April-June 2017 in the water sources located
in the ravines of the Paquilla, Sananquillay, and Guntus. The storage tanks that istribute the water to the whole parish and the cheese companies where forty-two samples were collected; turbidity, color, pH, conductivity, total solids, nitrates, nitrites, fluorides, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and parasites were analyzed according to the INEN normative corresponding to the laboratories of the Faculty of Sciences of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. The microbiological analysis was conducted by the Petrifilm method and by most probable number (NPM). Besides, in the determination of
parasites, two methods of centrifugation and flotation by saturation with NaCl were used. The results show that the water sampled in all the points complies with the physical-chemicalparameters required by the NTE INEN 1108 standard Potable Water. Requirements, only natural water sources have an acceptable microbiological quality. The water in the reserve tanks exceeds the allowed limit. Furthermore, the water used in the cheese companies presents greater contamination. As for the parasitological analysis, 82% of samples have Giardia lamblia, 65% Amoeba coli, among others.It is concluded that the water is not suitable to use in the cheese companies and therefore it is not ideal for consumption. It is recommended to carry out a disinfection treatment with sodium hypochlorite at 5 or 10% to eliminate microorganisms, in not having a treatment plant that guarantees its quality, and to improve the infrastructure and maintenance of the entire water supply system.