dc.contributorPallo Paredes, Edwin Leonardo
dc.contributorHinojosa Sánchez, Leonardo Aníbal
dc.creatorParedes García, Jonny José
dc.identifierParedes García, J. J. (2019). Validación de la adaptación y rendimiento de 10 líneas de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa W.), utilizando manejo orgánico en 3 comunidades de los cantones Colta y Guamote de la provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Agrónomo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThe present research proposes: validate the adaptation and yield of ten lines of quinoa using organic management in three communities of the cantons Colta and Guamote, of the province of Chimborazo; a complete randomized block design was carried out with 10 lines, 3 varieties and 3 repetitions in each community. The evaluated variables were: days to the formation of the panicle, days to the flowering, length and width of the leaf, severity of attack of mildew, height of the plant, length and diameter of the panicle, days to harvest, participatory evaluations, yield per parcel, saponin content and benefit / cost ratio. Obtaining that the lines LQEP8, LQEP4 were the best materials at a general level. In general averages the line LQEP8 had 1.70 t / ha of yield, 47% of severity of mildew, with a height of 109.5 cm, with 188 days at harvest, 0.00% of saponin, with a benefit / cost ratio of 164%.The LQEP4 line had 1.36 t / ha of yield, 47% of mildew severity, with a height of 98.78 cm, with 182 days to harvest, and 0.00% of saponin with a benefit / cost ratio of 136%.While in the participatory evaluation carried out by women and men in Ocpote community it was determined that the best lines and varieties were: the lines EQ29, LQEP3 and the variety INIAP Tunkahuan for qualities such as the large size of the panicle, intermediate height of the plant, precocity , grain uniformity. It is concluded that the LQEP8, LQEP4 lines presented the best agronomic characteristics, yield and benefit / cost ratio. Key Words: QUINOA LINES – ORGANIC MANAGEMENT - AGRONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectCOLTA (CANTÓN)
dc.subjectGUAMOTE (CANTÓN)
dc.titleValidación de la adaptación y rendimiento de 10 líneas de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa W.), utilizando manejo orgánico en 3 comunidades de los cantones Colta y Guamote de la provincia de Chimborazo.

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