dc.contributorRomán Robalino, Daniel Arturo
dc.contributorPeña Murillo, Robinson Fabricio
dc.creatorMurillo Conterón, Johanna Elizabeth
dc.identifierMurillo Conterón, J. E. (2019). Estudio de los servicios ecosistémicos ligados al agua y diversidad florística en el páramo de la Ciénega en la regional San José de Chazo–Santa Fé de Galán, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero Forestal). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
dc.description.abstractThe present research work proposes: to determine the ecosystemic services linked to water and plant diversity of the Regional San José de Chazo and Santa Fe de Galán, an inventory of vegetable species was carried out for the floristic diversity in which 5 sampling plots were installed. It was registered: 29 samples of terrestrial vascular plants, corresponding to 18 families, 26 genera and 29 species, also moss and liche family was collected, non-identified gender and species were also analized, which adds a total of 31 plant samples. The species with the highest IVI was Moss with 20.39%, it was present in 4 of 5 sampling plots. It was determined that the families with higher IVI were Moss with a value of 18.17%, followed by Poaceae, Rosaceae, Gentianaceae and Asteraceae with values of 15.29%, 12.15%, 8.09%, and 7.04% respectively. In the Shannon-Weaver index, sample plots 3 and 4 presented a high diversity with values of 1.00 and 0.96 respectively, this is similar to what was obtained in the Simpson index because these plots had an average diversity with values of 0.37 and 0.36 respectively. With Sorensen, the 5 sampling plots were moderately similar. For the water, the capacity was measured in 3 zones using the volumetric method during the period February-May. Obtaining an average monthly flow of 6.34 L / s. The rainfall was compared with the monthly flows, registering the highest flow in March with 6.80 L / s correlating with its precipitation which was 80.60 mm. In the analysis of the average volume per zone, zone 3 recorded a greater flow with 7.32 L / s, due to the existence of tributary flows in the area. For the ecological flow was obtained 10% of each monthly flow, giving us an average ecological flow of 0.63 L / s which serves to maintain the conditions of the grassy field. Key words: ECOSYSTEM GRASSY FIELD - ECOSYSTEM SERVICES - INDICES OF DIVERSITY - CAUDAL - ECOLOGICAL FLOW.
dc.publisherEscuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
dc.subjectGUANO (CANTÓN)
dc.titleEstudio de los servicios ecosistémicos ligados al agua y diversidad florística en el páramo de la Ciénega en la regional San José de Chazo–Santa Fé de Galán, cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo.

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