dc.description.abstract | A study to rescue and stablish the actual state of local knowldge about the use of plants in the community of Pesillo, located in the Cayambe canton, Pichincha province; simultaneously with the conduct of interviews developed in the locality to a certain number of population sample, allowed us to demonstrate the importance of implementing the family farms in their lands, and thus rescue the use of ancestral techniques.
For the realization of this investigation, we applied qualitative and quantitative techniques; in addition, the methodology Snowball, which consists in do a poll to identify and determine the group of people to be surveyed. Applying the relevant equations, we have used 75 surveys.
Thus, in the community of Pesillo, we were determined that 75% of the surveyed population has a farm, while 25% do not have. In addition, 44 species of plants were registered, mainly with food use (69.93%), medicinal (29,36%) and other (0,72%), being the families Apiaceae, Brassicaceae, Laminaceae and Poaceae (11,36%) the most used- also, we determined that the majority, the local population use their land to obtain food crops that is generally for their own consumption as is a case of potatoes (17,90%), corn (11,79%), bean (11,35%), onion (10,04%) and vetch (8,30%) mainly, and the medicinal use include cedrón (19,20%), oregano (16,30%), mint (12,5%), chamomile (11,50%) and plantain (9,60%). | |