Análisis y rediseño de las instalaciones eléctricas en la planta Dakpoint S.A. de papel Tissue km 24 Chongón
Arizaga Zambrano, Jackson Ruben
Contreras Bajaña, Jhonatan Steeven
In this degree work we made a research about of the electric system of the Company Dakpoint S.A. located on km24 Chongon that the main purpose is improve the speed and cuantity of production, the principal job was propose a redesign of the installations because the Company got a new machine in the way to improve the production. This Project has five chapthers.
The purpose of redesign about of electric instalations of the Company Dakpoint S.A. are found in chapter four based on the electrical field that shows a design capable of reaching the highest quality standards, satisfying the needs described in the project.