dc.creatorTamy Ishii, Fernanda
dc.creatorL. Leal, Gislaine Camila
dc.creatorCardoza Galdamez, Edwin V.
dc.creatorBalancieri, Renato
dc.creatorCalvi Tait, Tania Fatima
dc.creatorMoriya Huzita, Elisa Hatsue
dc.descriptionSoftware development is characterized as a knowledge intensive activity. Particularly, Distributed Software Development (DSD) is an approach that demands more attention for coordination and communication among members of distributed team, due to regional, cultural and infrastructure differences. Knowledge has being, increasingly, seen as the most important strategic resource in organizations. So, the management of this knowledge is critical to organizational success. Knowledge Management (KM) is a set of processes directed at creating, capturing, storing, sharing, apply, and reuse of knowledge, which are useful to decision making. The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic review carried out to identify the processes, techniques, methods, practices and/or tools adopted for Knowledge Management in Distributed Software Development. With this systematic review some interesting points for research were identified.
dc.descriptionWIS - X Workshop ingeniería de software
dc.descriptionRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI)
dc.relationXVIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Argentina (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5)
dc.subjectCiencias Informáticas
dc.titleKnowledge management in distributed software development: a systematic review
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia

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