dc.creatorPasquini, Chiara
dc.creatorLiu, Si
dc.creatorChernev, Petko
dc.creatorGonzález Flores, Diego
dc.creatorMohammadi, Mohammad Reza
dc.creatorKubella, Paul
dc.creatorJiang, Shan
dc.creatorLoos, Stefan
dc.creatorKlingan, Katharina
dc.creatorSikolenko, Vadim V.
dc.creatorMebs, Stefan
dc.creatorHaumann, Michael
dc.creatorBeyer, Paul
dc.creatorD’Amario, Luca
dc.creatorSmith, Rodney D.L.
dc.creatorZaharieva, Ivelina
dc.creatorDau, Holger
dc.description.abstractTransition metal oxides are promising electrocatalysts for water oxidation, i.e., the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which is critical in electrochemical production of non-fossil fuels. The involvement of oxidation state changes of the metal in OER electrocatalysis is increasingly recognized in the literature. Tracing these oxidation states under operation conditions could provide relevant information for performance optimization and development of durable catalysts, but further methodical developments are needed. Here, we propose a strategy to use single-energy X-ray absorption spectroscopy for monitoring metal oxidation-state changes during OER operation with millisecond time resolution. The procedure to obtain time-resolved oxidation state values, using two calibration curves, is explained in detail. We demonstrate the significance of this approach as well as possible sources of data misinterpretation. We conclude that the combination of X-ray absorption spectroscopy with electrochemical techniques allows us to investigate the kinetics of redox transitions and to distinguish the catalytic current from the redox current. Tracking of the oxidation state changes of Co ions in electrodeposited oxide films during cyclic voltammetry in neutral pH electrolyte serves as a proof of principle.
dc.sourceAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 413, p. 5395–5408
dc.subjectTime-resolvedX-ray absorption spectroscopy
dc.subjectTransition metal oxides
dc.subjectWater oxidation
dc.titleOperando tracking of oxidation-state changes by coupling electrochemistry with time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy demonstrated for water oxidation by a cobalt-based catalysts film
dc.typeartículo científico

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