dc.creatorBibiloni, Antoni
dc.creatorGalli, Ricardo
dc.creatorLladó, Esteve
dc.creatorRodriguez, Marcos
dc.descriptionThe interest in indexing and querying video data is growing rapidly. Desktop video is a new and attractive medium for communication between people using computers and networks. The main focus in any video information system is to develop a database management system with a friendly content-based retrieval of the digital video information. In this paper, we present an on-line video system for educational purposes. The interface consist of two main modules, An annotation-video-interface which can be used to put keywords, comments, proposal exercises, recommended lectures and so on in video segments. The annotations specify video sequences information for the automatic generation of a video library indexed by content. And a query-video-interface which can be used to extract the relevant segments of video that satisfy the specific query condition. We also describe the implementation of a real time video server, which make uses of a protocol designed for video conferencing to transmit the video sequences.
dc.descriptionEje: Procesamiento distribuido y paralelo. Tratamiento de señales
dc.descriptionRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI)
dc.relationIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Argentina (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5)
dc.subjectCiencias Informáticas
dc.titleSistema de indexación de vídeo por contenido y transmisión en tiempo real
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia
dc.typeObjeto de conferencia

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