Objeto de conferencia
A managerial framework for an electronic government procurement project: complex software projects management fundamentals
Registro en:
Uzal, Roberto
Montejano, Germán Antonio
Riesco, Daniel Eduardo
Uzal, Javier
An Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) project, as most of complex software systems development and implantation, requires sophisticated and strong managerial concepts and skills. So, an effective and consistent managerial framework is needed.
Traditional project management models, that propose a series of good practices and tools, must be extended, modified and improved to face, as an example, Electronic Government (e-Government) applications. These additional capabilities are very important in the environment of e-GP projects.
This paper describes a specific managerial framework adopted to face an e-GP project, at an argentine province level, with Inter American Development Bank supervision and finance support. The proposal includes a scheme where Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is complemented with Project Management Institute (PMI) points of view included at Project Management Body of Knowledge 3rd Edition (PMBOK) This paper could be useful for software engineers oriented to e-GP applications development and implantation, others e-Government applications and also, in general terms, in the field of complex e-Business projects. II Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD) Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI)