Objeto de conferencia
Interactive multi-sensory environment to control stereotypy behaviours
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Manresa Yee, Cristina
Más Sansó, Ramón
Abásolo Guerrero, María José
Giacomantone, Javier
The paper presents an interactive multi-sensory stimulation environment based on computer vision techniques for users with profound cerebral palsy to work their education curricula. We developed a set of visionbased applications with a high component of interactivity to create a controlled and safe environment to treat the users’ behaviours. We analyze the user’s body movement captured by a standard webcam to trigger audible, visual and/or tactile effects to produce significant stimulus in the environment. Presentado en el IX Workshop Tecnología Informática aplicada en Educación (WTIAE) Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI)