Religious practice and attitudes toward an offense situation

dc.creatorMoreno, Jose Eduardo
dc.identifierMoreno, Jose Eduardo; Religiosidad y actitudes ante situaciones de agravio; Universidad del Salvador; Signos Universitarios; XXVI; 43; 12-2008; 98-104
dc.identifierCONICET Digital
dc.description.abstractEste trabajo realizado con jóvenes universitarios es parte de un estudio acerca de las variables que influyen sobre las actitudes que una persona adopta ante sujetos que lo agravian u ofenden, como ser el perdonar, el vengarse, entre otras. Presentamos los resultados de la evaluación de las actitudes hacia el ofensor según el nivel de práctica religiosa. Conclusiones: los sujetos con un nivel de práctica religiosa alta obtuvieron un mayor promedio en la escala que estudia la actitud de perdonar al ofensor o de demandar una explicación. Los sujetos con bajo nivel de práctica religiosa obtuvieron mayores promedios en el factor agresivo que comprende las actitudes de venganza, hostilidad y rencor. No se observan diferencias en las respuestas pasivas de negación de la ofensa y de sometimiento al ofensor. El grado de práctica religiosa parece ser una variable muy importante para el estudio de las actitudes ante situaciones de agravio.
dc.description.abstractThis article considers issues in university students and is part of a research project that explores the influences over the attitudes a person adopts towards offenders, for example forgiven or taking revenge. We presented the results of attitudes towards offenders evaluation according to the level of religious practice. Method. Participants: it included a sample of 580 university students of both sexes, 18 to 20 years old. Instruments: a) Ad hoc Questionnaire to evaluate the level of religious practice. b) Attitudes Toward Offenders Questionnaire (ATOQ) J. E. Moreno and M. Pereyra (1996). Development: ATOQ is a test that consists of ten stories of offense situations in five different relational spheres: Work place domain, the Couple domain, Parents, Friendship and God. Each story contains seven item related to the following scales: Negation, Submission, Revenge, Hostility, Resentment, Forgiveness and Demanding an Explanation. The subject must be identified with the victim of the story and then must answers to the questions. We evaluate, by the Multivariate Analysis of Variance, the differences of means in ATOQ scales, in the subjects with high and low religious practice. Besides, the answers were analyzed according to ATOQ domains. Conclusions: Students with high religious practice level obtained a greater average in the scales that evaluates the attitudes of forgiveness and demading an explanation to the offender. The subjects with low level of religious practice obtained greater averages in the aggressive factor that includes attitudes of revenge, hostility and resentment. In passive factor (negation of the offense and submission to the offender) no differences between means were found.The degree of religious practice seems to be a very important variable for the study of the attitudes toward offense situations.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Salvador
dc.subjectConductas prosociales
dc.titleReligiosidad y actitudes ante situaciones de agravio
dc.titleReligious practice and attitudes toward an offense situation

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