Determinación de ácidos grasos volátiles en líquido ruminal
Volatile fatty acids in the paunch content determination
Registro en:
Piovano, Nicolás Miguel
Dada la gran importancia de los Acidos Grasos Volátiles en el contenido ruminal de los bovinos, se han obtenido dichos valores en el ganado clínicamente normal, en nuestros medios. Se han estudiado analíticamente algunos métodos, adoptándose el de Scarisbrich, al que se le han introducido algunas variantes. Se ha determinado el lapso óptimo de extracción de la muestra a partir de la ingesta, estimándolo en 120 minutos. Se han obtenido valores medios de Acidos Grasos volátiles Totales de 0,546g% (expresados en ácido acético), con una variación de +0,037. Se hace como complemento una ligerísima reseña fisiológica y bioquímica del rumen y de los procesos fermentativos en él y del metabolismo de los mencionados Acidos Grasos Volátiles. In view the great importance of Volatile Fatty Acids in the paunch content of cattle, such values were obtained in this country on cattle clinically normal Several methods were analytically studied and finally it was adopted that of Scarisbrich, to which some modifications were introduced. It was determined the most convenient lapse of time for the extraction of the sample from the beginning of the ingestion, which was estimated at 120'. Average values of Total Volatile Fatty Acids of 0,546g% were obtained (expressed in Acetic Acid) with a variation of approximately +0,037. As a complement, a succinct physiological and biochemical narration of the paunch or first stomach is made and also of the fermentative processes in it, as well as the metabolism of the above mentioned Volatile Fatty Acids. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias