Argentina | Articulo

An essay of photointerpretation applied to economic analysis: Villa del Cerro study of influential factors on land valuation

dc.creatorAndersen Santamarina, Cristina
dc.creatorPetit Ayala, Miguel
dc.descriptionPhoto-interpretation is the technique of stereoscopic observation of air photograph in which natural and artificial focuses appear evident. The photographic reading acknowledges them and photographic analysis classifies and interrelates them, translating common features of different facts into the drawn up models or patterns. The photographic interpretation integrates elements belonging to reading and analyzing, elaborating them in function of interpretation criteria and by means of an inductive-deductive evaluation gets to the inference of facts not registered themselves in the photographic picture. This technique that came up to an elevate technical and methodical development during the second world war, is essential to this kind of studies. Afterwards, the authors state the advantages obtained on applying this technique in the zone of Villa Cerro de Montevideo, recommending its application in a big scale.
dc.descriptionInstituto de Investigaciones Económicas
dc.relationvol. 6, no. 21-24
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
dc.subjectCiencias Económicas
dc.titleVilla del Cerro : Estudio de los factores influyentes en los valores de la tierra
dc.titleAn essay of photointerpretation applied to economic analysis: Villa del Cerro study of influential factors on land valuation

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