Graciela Zecchin de Fasano, <i>Odisea: Discurso y narrativa</i> : La Plata, EDULP, 2004, 226 pp.
Martin, Richard Peter
<i>Odisea: Discurso y Narrativa</i>, by Graciela Zecchin de Fasano, is the most sophisticated and convincing interpretation known to me concerning the varied and complex roles played by direct speech in Homer’s epic. In this wide-ranging and lucidly written work, Dra. Zecchin de Fasano combines a deep knowledge of modern narratology with a rigorous philological examination of all the major speeches in the poem. The result is an impressive contribution to the literature on Homeric poetics, one which offers fresh readings of a number of scenes and a persuasive overall thesis about the complex interaction of narrator and character “speech.” It is a pleasure to recommend this fine book. Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Clásicas. Area Filología Griega