Antiulcer and antioxidant activities and acute toxicity of extracts of <i>Cuscuta racemosa</i> Mart. (Convolvulaceae)
Ferraz, Helena O.
Silva, Magali G.
Kato, Edna Tomiko Myiake
Barros, Silvia B. M.
Bacchi, Elfriede Marianne
Cuscuta racemosa Mart. is a parasitic plant, commonly known in Brazil as "cipó chumbo". It is used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and a diuretic, a remedy for stomach disorders and hepatic problems, as well as for treating fresh wounds. For this study, phytochemical screening of a lyophilized raw extract of the plant was carried out in order to evaluate its antiulcer and antioxidant properties, as well as its acute toxicity. The results indicate the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins. In the antiulcer test, a 44.22 % rate of activity and a 37.05 % rate of cure were attained for the acute and sub-chronic models of ulcers, respectively, with the lyophilized raw extract. Antioxidant activity of the raw extract and the ethanolic fraction was 9.31 μg/mL and 4.36 μg/mL, respectively (Q½ values). During the evaluation of acute toxicity, changes in the heart-lungs weight were observed in the male test group. Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires