dc.creatorGalíndez Costa, María Fernanda
dc.creatorCarrica, Victoriano Andrés
dc.creatorDon, Julieta
dc.creatorUnamuno, Victoria
dc.creatorGónzalez Segura, Ignacio
dc.creatorCenteno, Viviana Andrea
dc.creatorSecchi, Dante Gustavo
dc.creatorZárate, Ana María
dc.creatorBarra, José Luis
dc.creatorBrunotto, Mabel
dc.description.abstractThe prediction models represent the only way to stop or reduce the incidence of oral cancer in thepopulation, especially some socio cultural vulnerable population; and allow the development of a preventiveintervention protocol. These methodologies should be applied more rigorously to pre-cancerous lesions that can beconsidered early stages of oral cancer. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the genotypic characteristics ofpatients with oral cancer and precancerous in order to develop a statistical risk score, in order to improve theirprevention, treatment and follow-up. In order to identify prognostic factors, models were built through classificationmethods such as logistic regression. The logistic regression can be assimilated to a classifier in the context of twoclasses. If x is a p-dimensional vector of covariates, and a variable indicating class 1 (1 if it belongs to class 1, 0 if not)and f (x) the conditional density of Y given x, then the fundamental assumption of the logistic proposal used in thecontext of the discriminant analysis is the linearity of the log of the ratio of conditional densities, this is log[f(x)/(1-f(x))]=βo+β?x, , where βo and βx=( β1?βp)? represents p + 1 parameters to be estimated. The latter assumptionimplies that the probability of belonging to class 1 conditional on the observed vector x is given byπ1(x)=exp(βo+β?x)/[1+ exp(βo+β?x)]. The analyzed data are obtained from patients with oral cancer and precancerouslesions, who?s attended at Dentistry School of National University of Cordoba and participated of research oral cancerproject about single nucleotide polymorphisms
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
dc.subjectDiagnosis, oral
dc.subjectLogistic models
dc.titlePrognostic risk score of genotypic characteristics in oral cancer based on logistic regression model

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