dc.creatorAmparo, Novoa Palacios
dc.creatorPirela Morillo, Johann
dc.descriptionOn the basis of the strategic importance of communities of practice, as knowledge generators in the doctoral programs context, which must be articulated following high quality standards; the article's objective is to analyze this landscape as an organisational strategy. For that purpose, a documentary methodology is used with a type of analytical-descriptive research focused on reviewing diverse conceptions about communities of practice and international, national and institutional references. The results revealed that it is about of knowledge management, fundamentally applied in business controls, but its principles can be controlled in the field of research management in doctorates, considering the investigation like a scientific process, systematic and rigorous that must be planned, organized and articulate to generate the impacts than can later be transferred in the formulation of public policies or in technological knowledge that solves contextual problems. After describing the proposed model of community of practice for the doctorate in education and society of the La Salle University. The article concludes on the importance of communities of practice as collective spaces for reflection-action too suggest viable alternatives that contribute to educational, cultural and social development.
dc.sourceRevista de Ciencias Sociales
dc.subjectCommunities of practice
dc.subjectdoctorate programs
dc.subjectdoctorates in education
dc.subjectinvestigative culture
dc.subjectinvestigative management
dc.titleCommunity of practice in the education and society doctorate: Organizational strategy in Bogotá-Colombia

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