dc.contributorDíaz Huertas, Néstor Fabián
dc.creatorRengifo Sánchez, Nataly Dayanna
dc.creatorChacón Rico, Leidy Paola
dc.creatorCastro Díaz, Ana Catalina
dc.description<p>se realizó la búsqueda y recolección de información teórica con el fin de realizar una revisión de bases de datos y de recursos bibliográficos, además de la recolección de información primaria de orden cualitativo, mediante la realización de entrevistas a empleados de la empresa Chuculat & Básico y por último se realizó el estudio y análisis de la información recolectada, así como de las teorías expuestas con el fin de plantear una propuesta de internacionalización que se ajuste a los procesos de la empresa. ; se identificó que con ayuda de marca país y Procolombia se pueden seleccionar diferentes mercados, ya que estas apoyan a las empresas como Chuculat & Básico a realizar procesos de internacionalización, pues su principal objetivo es generar conocimiento del país en el exterior e incentivar las exportaciones.</p>
dc.descriptionThe present work is focused on a Colombian company that has a country brand and how this brand allows them to make market selections, according to their interests, currently in Colombia, 324 companies have in their products the support of the country brand seal, which accredits them as producers and marketers of 100% Colombian products, within this group of companies is Chuculat & Básico, a Colombian company that, in collaboration with cocoa producers from different regions of the country since 2008, produces and markets premium chocolates. In terms of qualitative exploration, three phases were developed within which different actions were defined to achieve our objectives: the search and collection of theoretical information was carried out in order to carry out a review of databases and bibliographic resources, in addition of the collection of qualitative primary information, by conducting interviews with employees of the company Chuculat & Básico and finally the study and analysis of the information collected, as well as the theories presented in order to propose a proposal of internationalization that adjusts to the processes of the company.As a result it was found that if there is a country brand properly built; It was identified that with the help of the country brand and Procolombia different markets can be selected, since these support companies such as Chuculat & Básico to carry out internationalization processes, since their main objective is to generate knowledge of the country abroad and encourage exports. In the same way, according to the type of products that Chuculat & Básico commercializes and for all the characteristics that they possess, and as a conclusion of the analysis of countries made, it is established that the Japanese market is the most viable option to enter
dc.publisherUniversidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
dc.rightsacceso restringido
dc.subjectMarca país
dc.subjectCountry brand
dc.subjectPlanificación empresarial
dc.subjectMercado de exportación
dc.subjectBusiness planning
dc.subjectExport marketing
dc.titleMarca país, respaldo para proceso de internacionalización de empresas colombianas (caso: Chuculat & Básico)
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregrado
dc.thesisFinanzas y Comercio Internacional

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