dc.creatorBernal Niampira, Lina Julieth
dc.creatorLeón Hoyos, Angie Yisela
dc.creatorMoya Chaves, Francisco David
dc.descriptionThis paper illustrates the analysis on the Rational Use of Energy (RUE) was performed in one of the government administrative buildings in the city of Bogotá DC Colombia, in order to achieve a good use of energy resources to enable greater efficiency, optimal consumption of energy, a contribution to the environment, a decrease in energy costs and increased productivity as a state entity. © 2012 IEEE.
dc.source2012 IEEE International Symposium on Alternative Energies and Energy Quality, SIFAE 2012 - Conference Proceedings
dc.subjectEnergy Efficiency
dc.subjectISO 50001
dc.subjectRational Use of Energy
dc.titleRational Use of Energy in state buildings, case study
dc.typeConference Proceeding

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