dc.contributorBarros Neta, Maria da Anunciação Pinheiro
dc.contributorBarros Neta, Maria da Anunciação Pinheiro
dc.contributorCarvalho, Sumaya Persona de
dc.contributorFreire, Heloisa Bruna Grubits
dc.contributorPassos, Luiz Augusto
dc.identifierBENTO, Janaina Lúcia Rodrigues. A equoterapia na educação: desafios e perspectivas para inclusão social. 2012. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis seeks to describe and analyze in a comprehensive report from the Child Development Techniques, teachers and family practitioners perceive the influence of hippotherapy therapeutic and educational method in the teaching-learning and educational and social inclusion of practicing hippotherapy that are included in regular schools of the public schools of Cuiaba and the lowered Cuiabá-MT. The sample consisted of 13 Technical Educational Development-TDE and 2 teachers and 15 family members (parents, grandparents) who accompany these children to the practice of equine therapy in the Great Plains Equestrian Centre - CEVG. We adopted a qualitative approach to educational issues of dialectical phenomenological nature. Opting for this type of research is justified by the possibilities to understand the phenomenon, that it establishes relations with the world and with each other. The analyzes show the contributions of hippotherapy for the development of motor function, attention and concentration of the child providing significant improvements in physical and psychological aspects of the practitioner that promote self-esteem and confidence, which contributes to the teaching-learning and promotes the social inclusion of practitioners. The results revealed that hippotherapy has worked both in the physical, and psychological and social development practitioners. We observed that, in general, both the family as the TDE practitioners and teachers of hippotherapy, perceived changes in the practitioner from the practice of hippotherapy. In interviews, we found that the mentioned changes were mainly directed towards the goal, the work developed with the equine therapy practitioner, since equoterápicas sessions are designed according to the need of the practitioner, to stimulate their potential and respect their time and limitations . Another fact revealed is the emphasis that family members attribute to equine therapy practitioners in the lives of students in terms of development, teaching and learning, but mainly as a space for socialization and social inclusion. The testimonies of the relatives come loaded with hope and expectations, that the educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities to become reality in the social context, in the hope that this dream will come true, equoterapica perceive the practice as a factor that may contribute to a better development of the student practitioner, and the educational and social inclusion. From the data presented, we can interpret the relevance of this study is based on the knowledge on the understanding of the meaning of hippotherapy as educational support that contributes to the physical, psychological and social help in the teaching-learning process and collaborates with educational and social inclusion of people with physical and / or mental, being a scientific and social necessity, since it offers subsidies for the characterization and process improvement of educational and social inclusion from hippotherapy. To read theoretical contributions was used as a model of Paulo Freire and dialogical inclusive education which aims at educating the autonomy of teaching and learning process, and other authors of great relevance to theme as Carl Rogers, Merleau- Ponty and Vygotsky among others.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Mato Grosso
dc.publisherInstituto de Educação (IE)
dc.publisherUFMT CUC - Cuiabá
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.titleA equoterapia na educação : desafios e perspectivas para inclusão social

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