dc.contributorHELEN R. P. PHILLIPS, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorERIN K. CAMERON, Saint Mary’s University
dc.contributorUniversity of Helsinki
dc.contributorNICO EISENHAUER, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorLeipzig University.
dc.contributorLeipzig University
dc.contributorWageningen University
dc.contributorJOSÉ ANTONIO TALAVERA, University of La Laguna
dc.contributorDOLORES TRIGO, University Complutense of Madrid
dc.contributorJIRO TSUKAMOTO, Kochi University
dc.contributorSHEILA URIBE-LÓPEZ, Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco
dc.contributorANNE W. DE VALENÇA, Unit Food & Agriculture, WWF-Netherlands
dc.contributorIÑIGO VIRTO, Universidad Pública de Navarra
dc.contributorADRIAN A. WACKETT, University of Minnesota
dc.contributorMATTHEW W. WARREN, Earth Innovation Institute
dc.contributorWEIXIN ZHANG, Henan University
dc.contributorDANIEL CLUZEAU, Université de Rennes
dc.contributorANJA COORS, ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH
dc.contributorFELICITY V. CROTTY, Aberystwyth Universtiy
dc.contributorRoyal Agricultural University
dc.contributorJASMINE M. CRUMSEY, University of Georgia
dc.contributorSaint Marys University
dc.contributorELIZABETH M. BACH, Colorado State University
dc.contributorMARIE L. C. BARTZ, Universidade Positivo
dc.contributorUniversity of Coimbra
dc.contributorJOANNE M. BENNETT, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorMartin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
dc.contributorUniversity of Canberra
dc.contributorRÉMY BEUGNON, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorLeipzig University
dc.contributorMARIA J. I. BRIONES, Universidad de Vigo
dc.contributorOLGA FERLIAN, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorLeipzig University
dc.contributorKONSTANTIN B. GONGALSKY, Russian Academy of Sciences
dc.contributorLomonosov Moscow State University
dc.contributorCARLOS A. GUERRA, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorMartin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
dc.contributorBIRGITTA KÖNIG-RIES, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorFriedrich Schiller University
dc.contributorJULIA J. KREBS, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorLeipzig University
dc.contributorALBERTO ORGIAZZI, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
dc.contributorKELLY S. RAMIREZ, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
dc.contributorDAVID J. RUSSELL, Senckenberg Museum for Natural History Görlitz
dc.contributorBENJAMIN SCHWARZ, University of Freiburg
dc.contributorDIANA H. WALL, Colorado State University
dc.contributorULRICH BROSE, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
dc.contributorFriedrich Schiller University Jena
dc.contributorTHIBAUD DECAËNS, Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier
dc.contributorPATRICK LAVELLE, Institut d’Ecologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement
dc.contributorMICHEL LOREAU, Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station
dc.contributorJÉRÔME MATHIEU, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris
dc.contributorInstitut d’Ecologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris
dc.contributorCHRISTIAN MULDER, University of Catania
dc.contributorWIM H. VAN DER PUTTEN, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
dc.contributorMATTHIAS C. RILLIG, Freie Universität Berlin
dc.contributorMADHAV P. THAKUR, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
dc.contributorFRANCISKA T. DE VRIES, University of Amsterdam
dc.contributorDAVID A. WARDLE, Nanyang Technological University
dc.contributorCHRISTIAN AMMER, University of Göttingen
dc.contributorSABINE AMMER, University of Göttingen
dc.contributorMIWA ARAI, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
dc.contributorFREDRICK O. AYUKE, University of Nairobi
dc.contributorRwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture
dc.contributorGEOFF H. BAKER, Health & Biosecurity
dc.contributorDILMAR BARETTA, Santa Catarina State University
dc.contributorDIETMAR BARKUSKY, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
dc.contributorROBIN BEAUSÉJOUR, Université de Sherbrooke
dc.contributorJOSE C. BEDANO, National University of Rio Cuarto
dc.contributorKLAUS BIRKHOFER, Brandenburg University of Technology
dc.contributorERIC BLANCHART, Institut Agro
dc.contributorBERND BLOSSEY, Cornell University
dc.contributorTHOMAS BOLGER, University College Dublin
dc.contributorROBERT L. BRADLEY, Université de Sherbrooke
dc.contributorMICHEL BROSSARD, Institut Agro
dc.contributorJAMES C. BURTIS, Cornell University
dc.contributorYVAN CAPOWIEZ, Site Agroparc
dc.contributorTIMOTHY R. CAVAGNARO, The University of Adelaide
dc.contributorAMY CHOI, University of Toronto
dc.contributorJULIA CLAUSE, Université de Poitiers
dc.contributorANDREA DÁVALOS, SUNY Cortland
dc.contributorDARÍO J. DÍAZ COSÍN, University Complutense of Madrid
dc.contributorANNISE M. DOBSON, Yale University
dc.contributorANAHÍ DOMÍNGUEZ, National University of Rio Cuarto
dc.contributorANDRÉS ESTEBAN DUHOUR, Universidad Nacional de Luján
dc.contributorNICK VAN EEKEREN, Louis Bolk Institute
dc.contributorCHRISTOPH EMMERLING, University of Trier
dc.contributorLILIANA B. FALCO, Universidad Nacional de Luján
dc.contributorROSA FERNÁNDEZ, Institute of Evolutionary Biology
dc.contributorSTEVEN J. FONTE, Colorado State University
dc.contributorCARLOS FRAGOSO, Institute of Ecology A.C.
dc.contributorANDRÉ L. C. FRANCO, Colorado State University
dc.contributorABEGAIL FUSILERO, University of the Philippines Mindanao
dc.contributorGhent University
dc.contributorANNA P. GERASKINA, Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity RAS
dc.contributorSHAIESTE GHOLAMI, Razi University
dc.contributorGRIZELLE GONZÁLEZ, International Institute of Tropical Forestry
dc.contributorMICHAEL J. GUNDALE, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
dc.contributorMÓNICA GUTIÉRREZ LÓPEZ, University Complutense of Madrid
dc.contributorBRANIMIR K. HACKENBERGER, University of Osijek
dc.contributorDAVORKA K. HACKENBERGER, University of Osijek
dc.contributorLUIS M. HERNÁNDEZ, Maranhão State University
dc.contributorJEFF R. HIRTH, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Agriculture Victoria
dc.contributorTAKUO HISHI, Kyushu University
dc.contributorANDREW R. HOLDSWORTH, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
dc.contributorMARTIN HOLMSTRUP, Aarhus University
dc.contributorKRISTINE N. HOPFENSPERGER, Northern Kentucky University
dc.contributorESPERANZA HUERTA LWANGA, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
dc.contributorWageningen University & Research
dc.contributorVEIKKO HUHTA, University of Jyväskylä
dc.contributorTUNSISA T. HURISSO, Colorado State University
dc.contributorLincoln University of Missouri
dc.contributorBASIL V. IANNONE III, University of Florida
dc.contributorMADALINA IORDACHE, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat “King Michael the 1st of Romania”
dc.contributorULRICH IRMLER, University of Kiel
dc.contributorMARI IVASK, Tallinn University of Technology
dc.contributorJUAN B. JESÚS, University Complutense of Madrid
dc.contributorJODI L. JOHNSON-MAYNARD, University of Idaho
dc.contributorMONIKA JOSCHKO, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
dc.contributorNOBUHIRO KANEKO, Fukushima University
dc.contributorRADOSLAVA KANIANSKA, Matej Bel University
dc.contributorAIDAN M. KEITH, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
dc.contributorMARIA L. KERNECKER, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
dc.contributorARMAND W. KONÉ, Université Nangui Abrogoua
dc.contributorYAHYA KOOCH, Tarbiat Modares University
dc.contributorSANNA T. KUKKONEN, Natural Resources Institute Finland
dc.contributorH. LALTHANZARA, Pachhunga University College
dc.contributorDANIEL R. LAMMEL, Freie Universität Berlin
dc.contributorIURII M. LEBEDEV, Russian Academy of Sciences
dc.contributorM.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
dc.contributorSkolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
dc.contributorEDITH LE CADRE, Institut Agro
dc.contributorNOA K. LINCOLN, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
dc.contributorDANILO LÓPEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Universidad Central de Venezuela
dc.contributorSCOTT R. LOSS, Oklahoma State University
dc.contributorRAPHAEL MARICHAL, Univ Montpellier
dc.contributorRADIM MATULA, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
dc.contributorYUKIO MINAMIYA, Tochigi Prefectural Museum
dc.contributorJAN HENDRIK MOOS, Thuenen-Institute of Biodiversity
dc.contributorThuenen-Institute of Organic Farming
dc.contributorGERARDO MORENO, University of Extremadura
dc.contributorALEJANDRO MORÓN-RÍOS, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
dc.contributorHASEGAWA MOTOHIRO, Doshisha University
dc.contributorBART MUYS, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape
dc.contributorJOHAN NEIRYNCK, Research Institute for Nature and Forest
dc.contributorLINDSEY NORGROVE, Bern University of Applied Sciences
dc.contributorMARTA NOVO, University Complutense of Madrid
dc.contributorVISA NUUTINEN, Natural Resources Institute Finland
dc.contributorVICTORIA NUZZO, Natural Area Consultants
dc.contributorP. MUJEEB RAHMAN, PSMO College
dc.contributorJOHAN PANSU, CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere
dc.contributorSorbonne Université
dc.contributorSHISHIR PAUDEL, Oklahoma State University
dc.contributorPhipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
dc.contributorGUÉNOLA PÉRÈS, CNRS-Université de Rennes
dc.contributorInstitut Agro
dc.contributorLORENZO PÉREZ CAMACHO, University of Alcalá
dc.contributorJEAN-FRANÇOIS PONGE, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
dc.contributorJÖRG PRIETZEL, Technical University of Munich
dc.contributorIRINA B. RAPOPORT, Russian Academy of Sciences
dc.contributorMUHAMMAD IMTIAZ RASHID, King Abdulaziz University
dc.contributorSALVADOR REBOLLO, University of Alcalá
dc.contributorMIGUEL Á. RODRÍGUEZ, University of Alcalá
dc.contributorALEXANDER M. ROTH, University of Minnesot
dc.contributorFriends of the Mississippi River
dc.contributorGUILLAUME X. ROUSSEAU, Maranhão State University
dc.contributorFederal University of Maranhão
dc.contributorANNA ROZEN, University of Wisconsin
dc.contributorEHSAN SAYAD, Razi University
dc.contributorLOES VAN SCHAIK, Wageningen University & Research
dc.contributorBRYANT SCHARENBROCH, University of Wisconsin
dc.contributorThe Morton Arboretum
dc.contributorMICHAEL SCHIRRMANN, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
dc.contributorOLAF SCHMIDT, University College Dublin
dc.contributorAgriculture and Food Science Centre
dc.contributorBORIS SCHRÖDER, Technische Universität Braunschweig
dc.contributorJULIA SEEBER, University of Innsbruck
dc.contributorInstitute for Alpine Environment
dc.contributorMAXIM P. SHASHKOV, Russian Academy of Sciences
dc.contributorJASWINDER SINGH, Khalsa College Amritsar
dc.contributorSANDY M. SMITH, University of Toronto
dc.contributorMICHAEL STEINWANDTER, Institute for Alpine Environment
dc.contributorKATALIN SZLAVECZ, Johns Hopkins University
dc.contributorEMILY R. WEBSTER, University of California
dc.contributorNATHANIEL H. WEHR, University of Hawaii
dc.contributorJOANN K. WHALEN, Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University
dc.contributorMICHAEL B. WIRONEN, The Nature Conservancy
dc.contributorVOLKMAR WOLTERS, Animal Ecology, Justus Liebig University
dc.contributorPENGFEI WU, Southwest Minzu University
dc.contributorIRINA V. ZENKOVA, Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems
dc.creatorPHILLIPS, H. R. P.
dc.creatorBACH, E. M.
dc.creatorBARTZ, M. L. C.
dc.creatorBENNETT, J. M.
dc.creatorBEUGNON, R.
dc.creatorBRIONES, M. J. I.
dc.creatorBROWN, G. G.
dc.creatorFERLIAN, O.
dc.creatorGONGALSKY, K. B.
dc.creatorGUERRA, C. A.
dc.creatorKÖNIG-RIES, B.
dc.creatorKREBS, J. J.
dc.creatorORGIAZZI, A.
dc.creatorRAMIREZ, K. S.
dc.creatorRUSSELL, D. J.
dc.creatorSCHWARZ, B.
dc.creatorWALL, D. H.
dc.creatorBROSE, U.
dc.creatorDECAËNS, T.
dc.creatorLAVELLE, P.
dc.creatorLOREAU, M.
dc.creatorMATHIEU, J.
dc.creatorMULDER, C.
dc.creatorVAN DER PUTTEN, W. H.
dc.creatorRILLIG, M. C.
dc.creatorTHAKUR, M. P.
dc.creatorVRIES, F. T. de
dc.creatorWARDLE, D. A.
dc.creatorAMMER, C.
dc.creatorAMMER, S.
dc.creatorARAI, M.
dc.creatorAYUKE, F. O.
dc.creatorBAKER, G. H.
dc.creatorBARETTA, D.
dc.creatorBARKUSKY, D.
dc.creatorBEAUSÉJOUR, R.
dc.creatorBEDANO, J. C.
dc.creatorBIRKHOFER, K.
dc.creatorBLANCHART, E.
dc.creatorBLOSSEY, B.
dc.creatorBOLGER, T.
dc.creatorBRADLEY, R. L.
dc.creatorBROSSARD, M.
dc.creatorBURTIS, J. C.
dc.creatorCAPOWIEZ, Y.
dc.creatorCAVAGNARO, T. R.
dc.creatorCHOI, A.
dc.creatorCLAUSE, J.
dc.creatorCLUZEAU, D.
dc.creatorCOORS, A.
dc.creatorCROTTY, F. V.
dc.creatorCRUMSEY, J. M.
dc.creatorDÁVALOS, A.
dc.creatorDOBSON, A. M.
dc.creatorDOMÍNGUEZ, A.
dc.creatorDUHOUR, A. E.
dc.creatorVAN EEKEREN, N.
dc.creatorEMMERLING, C.
dc.creatorFALCO, L. B.
dc.creatorFERNÁNDEZ, R.
dc.creatorFONTE, S. J.
dc.creatorFRAGOSO, C.
dc.creatorFRANCO, A. L. C.
dc.creatorFUSILERO, A.
dc.creatorGERASKINA, A. P.
dc.creatorGHOLAMI, S.
dc.creatorGONZÁLEZ, G.
dc.creatorGUNDALE, M. J.
dc.creatorLÓPEZ, M. G.
dc.creatorHACKENBERGER, B. K.
dc.creatorHACKENBERGER, D. K.
dc.creatorHERNÁNDEZ, L. M.
dc.creatorHIRTH, J. R.
dc.creatorHISHI, T.
dc.creatorHOLDSWORTH, A. R.
dc.creatorHOLMSTRUP, M.
dc.creatorHOPFENSPERGER, K. N.
dc.creatorLWANGA, E. H.
dc.creatorHUHTA, V.
dc.creatorHURISSO, T. T.
dc.creatorIANNONE III, B. V.
dc.creatorIORDACHE, M.
dc.creatorIRMLER, U.
dc.creatorIVASK, M.
dc.creatorJESÚS, J. B.
dc.creatorJOHNSON-MAYNARD, J. L.
dc.creatorJOSCHKO, M.
dc.creatorKANEKO, N.
dc.creatorKANIANSKA, R.
dc.creatorKEITH, A. M.
dc.creatorKERNECKER, M. L.
dc.creatorKONÉ, A. W.
dc.creatorKOOCH, Y.
dc.creatorKUKKONEN, S. T.
dc.creatorLALTHANZARA, H.
dc.creatorLAMMEL, D. R.
dc.creatorLEBEDEV, I. M.
dc.creatorLE CADRE. E.
dc.creatorLINCOLN, N. K.
dc.creatorLOSS, S. R.
dc.creatorMARICHAL, R.
dc.creatorMATULA, R.
dc.creatorMINAMIYA, Y.
dc.creatorMOOS, J. H.
dc.creatorMORENO, G.
dc.creatorMORÓN-RÍOS, A.
dc.creatorMOTOHIRO, H.
dc.creatorMUYS, B.
dc.creatorNEIRYNCK, J.
dc.creatorNORGROVE, L.
dc.creatorNOVO, M.
dc.creatorNUUTINEN, V.
dc.creatorNUZZO, V.
dc.creatorRAHMAN, P. M.
dc.creatorPANSU, J.
dc.creatorPAUDEL, S.
dc.creatorPÉRÈS, G.
dc.creatorPÉREZ CAMACHO, L.
dc.creatorPONGE, J.-F.
dc.creatorPRIETZEL, J.
dc.creatorRAPOPORT, I. B.
dc.creatorRASHID, M. I.
dc.creatorREBOLLO, S.
dc.creatorRODRÍGUEZ, M. A.
dc.creatorROTH, A. M.
dc.creatorROUSSEAU, G. X.
dc.creatorROZEN, A.
dc.creatorSAYAD, E.
dc.creatorVAN SCHAIK, L.
dc.creatorSCHARENBROCH, B.
dc.creatorSCHIRRMANN, M.
dc.creatorSCHMIDT, O.
dc.creatorSCHRÖDER, B.
dc.creatorSEEBER, J.
dc.creatorSHASHKOV, M. P.
dc.creatorSINGH, J.
dc.creatorSMITH, S. M.
dc.creatorSTEINWANDTER, M.
dc.creatorSZLAVECZ, K.
dc.creatorTALAVERA, J. A.
dc.creatorTRIGO, D.
dc.creatorTSUKAMOTO, J.
dc.creatorURIBE-LÓPEZ, S.
dc.creatorVALENÇA, A. W. de
dc.creatorVIRTO, I.
dc.creatorWACKETT, A. A.
dc.creatorWARREN, M. W.
dc.creatorWEBSTER, E. R.
dc.creatorWEHR, N. H.
dc.creatorWHALEN, J. K.
dc.creatorWIRONEN, M. B.
dc.creatorWOLTERS, V.
dc.creatorWU, P.
dc.creatorZENKOVA, I. V.
dc.creatorZHANG, W.
dc.creatorCAMERON, E. K.
dc.creatorEISENHAUER, N.
dc.identifierScientific Data, v. 8, n. 136, 2021.
dc.subjectServiço ambiental
dc.titleGlobal data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties.
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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