Monografia (especialização)
Reabsorção cervical invasiva em dente com dens in dente: relato de caso
Alessandra Schuttenberg Polanczyk
An invasive cervical resorption is a type of external resorption with progressive and
invasive characteristics, which can affect dental and periodontal structures such as
the ligament, cement and dentin. This alteration was addressed in this work along
with the dens invaginatus, a dental development anomaly that involves the
invagination of the enamel tissue within dental papila. These alterations were
detected on the patient of the case report through a tomography evaluation, lesion
localization, trauma history of the patient, and other factors that will be presented in
the review of this work. The treatment was finished in three sessions, where an
ultrassound equipment and inserts were used for access and cleaning of the affected
region, the operating microscope helped on the visualization of the inflammatory
granulation tissue, as well as two changes of calcium hydroxide paste root canal
dressings. The obturation was done the conventional way respecting the lesion’s
limits, where the resorption communication was sealed with MTA HP Repair
(Angelus) up until the cervical third of the canal. Considering the difficulty of
diagnosis in the daily routine of dentists and the resolution of certain cases of
invasive cervical resorption, and also the questionable prognosis of these, it was
considered relevant to report a case, in this monography, describing the steps of the
treatment performed on a patient, as well as a literature review on the topic. The
patient attended was referred to the specialization of endodontics course of the
dental school/UFMG due to the presence of a resorption pathology on the middle
third of the superior right lateral incisor, associated with a dens invaginatus, observed
in a CBCT scan obtained at the radiology service of the institution.