Monografia (especialização)
Fatores de ordem familiar que dificultam a doação de órgãos para transplante no Brasil
Viviane Costa Soares
Although contemporary medical literature limit the history of transplants to last 40 years, there are reports from mythology to advanced techniques of today. What we can say is that the story is a story of transplants barriers and how they were won today. Given the advancement of medicine, related to procedure of organ transplantation, the need arose to produce protocols and laws around the world that have as an objective to validate and regulate therapy for organ transplants, and ensure the accurate diagnosis of brain death . According to the current legislation in Brazil, that organ donation to take place is paramount and indispensable, the diagnosis of brain death and the family's permission to remove the organs of their loved for transplantation. It is known that Brazil is the country that has the largest public system in the world of transplantation. In figures he loses mainly to the United States. However, considering the context of organ donation in Brazil, it is worth mentioning that the family refusal has been the main cause for not harvesting of organs from potential donors, which considers the problem of this research. This problem arose the following guiding question: "What are the main factors of a family that hinder organ donation for transplantation in Brazil"? Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors that lead to the refusal or difficulty of organ donation by families of patients diagnosed with brain death. The theoretical framework used in this work is the Evidence-Based Practice. Given the subjectivity of the subject, it was decided to pursue qualitative research, since these deal with the meanings of the subject. Thus, it was used as a methodological reference metasynthesis. Organ transplantation and organ donation process intertwine the very sensitive issues which is the process of death and mourning. The ways people behave before the death of a family member or friend are related to the bond, beliefs and religion. By becoming aware of this, the healthcare team must establish approximation strategies that can facilitate authorization for organ donation.