Coaching executivo no Brasil: desenvolvimento humano ou econômico?
Mauro Rodrigo Schneider
This dissertation aimed to investigate the practice of coaching in Brazil, especially the
executive coaching. In order to attain this objective, two phenomena were researched that are
linked to the central theme: neoliberalism and the culture of management. A socioeconomic
and historical study was developed – both regarding national and international scopes – to
support the discussions and results presented. Regarding the methodological approach, this
research used content analysis (BARDIN, 2011) in two moments: firstly, in the creation of
categories from the national scientific production on the subject and, consequently, in the
evaluation of two of the most relevant coaching schools in Brazil, as well as its multimedia
courses and also interviews with its creators who sought to answer the following question:
“Executive coaching in Brazil: human or economic development?” The results pointed to
human development, but within the standards of neoliberalism, that is, through instrumental
rationality structured by the current economic paradigm. In addition, the relationship between
neoliberalism, management culture and the practice of coaching as elements that feed back into
the social fabric was confirmed.