dc.contributorTânia Mara Segatelli
dc.contributorAlfredo Hannemann Wieloch
dc.contributorJuliana Bohnen Guimarães
dc.creatorLeandro Augusto de Assis Fonseca
dc.description.abstractPromotion of sexual health education with emphasis on the mechanisms of action of hormonal contraceptives and the harmful use of emergency contraceptives. Contraceptives are methods used to prevent unplanned pregnancy from happening. Currently, we have several types of access to contraceptives, among which barriers, behavioral, definitive, hormonal and, last but not least, emergency contraceptives (EC), which has, in this work, greater prominence. . The indiscriminate use of EC among school-age young people, especially in high school, has been a matter of concern not only for parents and the school community, but also for the scientific community (BRANDÃO, 2017). Issues of the most varied nature, such as emotional need, lack of psychological support and teenage pregnancy, in addition to contamination by Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), intensify the importance of works that raise awareness on the subject. In order to promote sexual health education, in the present work we developed a didactic sequence through which the students of the first year of high school at a State School in Pará de Minas (MG), under the supervision of the researcher teacher, developed activities that stimulated his interest in knowing the morphophysiology of his own body. These are activities specifically related to changes in the Male and Female Genital Systems during puberty, which lead to the development of secondary sexual characters and the consequent beginning of the reproductive period. Thus, after classes on different topics aimed at teaching-learning regarding the prevention of unplanned pregnancy and STIs, students were encouraged to produce teaching materials, such as models and awareness booklets. The emphasis on contraceptives aimed to clarify their correct use, which provides, among other benefits, better Family Planning (FP) and greater freedom of decision even during this phase of life. The participation of students in the research, with the development of activities with an investigative bias and in a contextualized way, promoted the construction of knowledge, making them protagonists of their own learning, as demonstrated during the presentation of the works on the “Day of Prevention”. It is hoped that these actions make adolescents aware of a healthy sex life and that they acquire autonomy for their own FP.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Biologia (Mestrado Profissional - PROF-BIO)
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSaúde Sexual
dc.subjectMétodos Contraceptivos
dc.subjectEnsino Básico
dc.titlePromoção da educação em saúde sexual com ênfase nos mecanismos de ação dos contraceptivos hormonais e no uso nocivo do contraceptivo de emergência

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