dc.contributorVedovatto, Dijnane
dc.creatorMarcasso Rossi, Bianca Carolina
dc.identifierMARCASSO ROSSI, Bianca Carolina. O estágio curricular supervisionado em docência na perspectiva dos profissionais da educação infantil. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2022. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/16645.
dc.description.abstractThe supervised curricular internship is of great importance for teacher training, but there are gaps related to the theorization of knowledge and the professional field, as well as disagreements regarding the insertion of the interns in kindergarten schools. In the literature, the internship is seen as a privileged moment for training and professional insertion. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze how the supervised curricular internship in teaching occurs considering the professional insertion of interns in Early Childhood Education schools in the municipal education system of São Carlos, São Paulo. This research, of qualitative approach, exploratory-descriptive type, used the following instruments for data collection: document analysis and semi-structured interviews with ten professionals in Early Childhood Education who were receiving or had already received interns in the public teaching network, two pedagogical coordinators, four school principals and four teachers. The data were organized and analyzed in light of the literature based on teaching professionalization. The data analysis was carried out by means of content analysis, involving three stages: pre-analysis, exploration of the material, and the treatment of the results: inference and interpretation. From the analysis, the first axis emerged: "Being a teacher in Early Childhood Education: contributions of the supervised curricular internship", in which the internship was pointed out as a privileged moment for exchanging experiences and knowledge, as well as for contact with the professional field, emerging the issue of the impact with the teaching reality in Early Childhood Education. The second axis "Professional insertion: bureaucratic and pedagogical procedures", reveals inaccuracies regarding the procedures for the supervised curricular internship at that stage of education, which tends to weaken the insertion, reception and monitoring of the intern, but there were indications from the participants of possibilities for fruitful partnerships and the need for the internship to be planned jointly. Finally, we highlight the need for the recognition and professionalization of professionals in Early Childhood Education, as well as the demand for an institutional partnership between the school and the university, which seeks, through the supervised curricular internship, greater articulation between initial and continued education to consider the teacher training in relation to the professional field, also relying on the support of public policies.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Educação - PPGPE
dc.publisherCâmpus São Carlos
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectEstágio curricular supervisionado
dc.subjectInserção profissional
dc.subjectEducação infantil
dc.subjectAprendizagem da docência
dc.subjectSupervised curricular internship
dc.subjectProfessional insertion
dc.subjectEarly childhood education
dc.subjectLearning to teach
dc.titleO estágio curricular supervisionado em docência na perspectiva dos profissionais da educação infantil

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