Avaliação econômica e análise técnica da produção de biogás via digestão anaeróbia da vinhaça
2022-04-12Registro en:
Alves, Alessandro Bestetti
The energy issue has always been present in history and has gone side by side to our
technological development. If at first the use of non-renewable sources was the most
exploited in industrial revolutions, the current context is to search for renewable and
alternative sources. The diversification of the energy matrix and the best use of the
production chain, adding value to by-products and waste, are focal points for humantechnological
development in the coming decades. The objective of this work is the technical
analysis and economic evaluation of different scenarios for the implementation of a biogas
production plant using vinasse, residue from the sugar and alcohol production chain. For
each scenario, the construction of a plant attached to the sugar-energy plant from which
vinasse would be obtained at a flow rate of 7692 m3/day with biological oxygen demand
(BOD) equal to 20000 mg/L and without acquisition costs. The biodigester chosen was the
UASB mounted on systems of multiple reactors in parallel. Using the 2k planning concepts,
the influence of initial chemical oxygen demand (DQO) (35 and 65 kg/m3) and hydraulic
retention time (5 and 10 hours) on the daily production of biogas of the plant were evaluated.
It was then possible to reach conclusions about initial investment costs and annual operating
costs; estimated production revenue and net present value (LPV) economic valuation
techniques and payback time.