Uma abordagem baseada em árvores de decisão para a análise da estabilidade angular do rotor
2021-12-06Registro en:
Cunha, Guilherme Luiz da
The power system security assessment is essential to ensure the supply of electrical
energy and the feasibility of the operation. Among these analyses, the study of the rotor
angle stability aims to ensure that the electromechanical modes of the system are well
damped and, for that, it is common that the methods employed make use of mathematical models of the electric power system. However, the dependence on mathematical
models, potentially, makes the evaluation methods sensitive to variations in parameters
and changes in the network that have not been adequately represented, mainly in realtime applications. Currently, Smart Grids proposes to offer greater monitoring capacity
and sample rates that allow real-time analysis. Concomitantly, the advances in distributed and cloud computing have encouraged the use of machine learning techniques to
solve various problems using the massive amount of data available. In this sense, this
work proposes to make use of the measurements made available by phasor measurement
units to evaluate the feasibility of using decision trees in the analysis of the rotor angle
stability. For stability analysis at small disturbances, a decentralized approach based on
individual decision trees and data from phasor measurement units allocated in the generator buses is applied. In this approach, each decision tree uses only local measurements
to evaluate the rotor angle small-signal stability, in this way, the classification can be
carried out even when there is loss of information from specific generators or failure in the
communication system. When the system is subjected to a large disturbance, a second
method is employed, which is based on a centralized decision tree and voltage phasors
measured at generator buses from the whole studied system. This last classifier is able
to identify instability in the response post fault portion of the system, establishing a
trade-off between the number of measurement cycles used and the classifier performance.
The results obtained on the IEEE 68-buses system showed the efficiency of the proposed
approach. In the classification of small-signal stability, an accuracy of 93% is reached
by the distributed trees even in scenarios with contingencies and load variations. About
large disturbances was possible to classify with precision the transient stability even with only 1 measurement cycle (96.4%) and with only 3 measurement points along the test