dc.contributorFranco, Vitor Ramos
dc.creatorParsekian, Pedro Henrique Longo
dc.identifierPARSEKIAN, Pedro Henrique Longo. Desenvolvimento de um software de simulação do comportamento dinâmico de um veículo baja. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2021. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/15688.
dc.description.abstractThe difficulty of predicting the dynamic behavior and stress involved in an off road vehicle significantly influences the design and development of its suspension. In an attempt to overcome this problems, computational simulations are carried out using dynamic models that, in their majority, represent on-road vehicles, subject to operating conditions that are quite different from those of the proposed model. Given this scenario, it is necessary to development of dynamic models that better represent the off-road vehicle’s behavior, thus increasing its reliability and performance. The present work had as its objective the development of a mathematical model in the full car condition (7 degrees of freedom) of an off road vehicle used in student competitions, also called minibaja. Vehicle suspension characteristics were studied in order to have a better performance during the competition route. Different types of obstacles were simulated and to make easy the use of the software, a graphical interface was developed, so that programming knowledge is dispensed by the user. Through the development of the model and quite representative obstacles, it was possible to create an easy-to-use tool, and thus, provide data that portray the vehicle more realistically during the design phases, ensuring better position of the team in competitions, given the greater ability to predict car behavior during the design phase.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherCâmpus São Carlos
dc.publisherEngenharia Mecânica - EMec
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectDinâmica veicular
dc.subjectModelo Matemático
dc.subjectInterface Gráfica
dc.subjectFull Car
dc.subjectVehicle Dynamics
dc.subjectMathematical modeling
dc.subjectGraphic interface
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de um software de simulação do comportamento dinâmico de um veículo baja

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