Espaço formativo partilhado entre professores e intérpretes educacionais no contexto da Educação Inclusiva Bilíngue de surdos
2021-12-16Registro en:
Daroque, Samantha Camargo
In the daily routine of the regular classroom, teachers and educational interpreters need to organize specific aspects and solve demands related to the teaching of deaf students. Although they work together, these professionals usually do not have moments outside class hours to share experiences and reflect on their actions. Recognizing the importance of this process for the quality of teaching-learning of deaf students, we proposed the creation of a shared formative space between teachers and educational interpreters in service in a public school in the interior of São Paulo. We aimed to investigate the potential of this space for Bilingual Education of the Deaf, focusing on the moments of instruction, analyzing possibilities of the proposal, difficulties of implementation, gaps and potentials found in the educational practices of these professionals, in order to expand their experiences and reflections on the teaching process for this public in the classroom. To this end, we mobilized the cultural-historical theory proposed by Vygotsky and other authors, studies in the field of Deaf Education and studies on training aspects of teachers and educational interpreters. Focusing on the training process, we followed three pairs (teacher-interpreters) during one school year in the school where the project was developed. We recorded the meetings on video and audio (most of them) and collected the data to be analyzed by transcribing the speeches of the participants. The actions implemented in the training space consisted of dialogues with the pairs, during which we addressed specific issues related to deafness, methodological aspects of teaching deaf students, different possibilities of interpretation in Libras, forms of support for teaching practice and practices of the educational interpreter, in order to promote joint reflections on new possibilities of educational actions. From the analysis of the dynamics of the meetings, three cores of meaning emerged: Pedagogical practices, Organizational processes and Formative processes. As a main result of the analysis, we highlight the expansion of the dialogue between professionals for shared decision making, which enabled the creation of new strategies for the teaching of deaf students, in a more conscious way. The teachers and educational interpreters benefited from these common moments of organization, overcoming difficulties by jointly executing the planning with the external view of a professional trained to generate, discuss and forward reflections on other forms and possibilities of actions. We could see, therefore, that the establishment of this partnership in the training meetings leads professionals to a better work both for deaf students and for the school as a whole. However, it is a process full of challenges, permeated by dynamics of institutional functioning and important aspects that must be appreciated in order to promote, in fact, a quality Bilingual Education for the Deaf.