Rede sociotécnica de inovação em plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos: do coletivo de mulheres no assentamento Pirituba ao SUS Itapeva-SP
2021-11-23Registro en:
Apolinário, Patrícia
This work aimed to write and analyze the development of a Sociopraxis Network and a Sociotechnical Network of innovation in medicinal and herbal plants that arises from the collective of women of the Pirituba II settlement to access public policies and the Unified Health System - SUS of Itapeva-SP. The work uses the concepts of agroecology, sociotechnical network, sociopraxis network and public policies focused on agroecology, medicinal and herbal plants and local productive arrangements to present, through the analysis of the timeline and the analysis of the participation of actors, the process of network organization that culminated in the dispensation of medicinal plants in the SUS of ITAPEVA- SP and in the formalization of the organization of women, with the creation, in 2009, of the Cooperative for the Production of Medicinal Plants - COOPLANTAS. Since the author of the work actively participates in the trajectory of the collective of women, since 1998, the work used a methodological theoretical approach that allows incorporating the participant role of the author in the object: documentary analysis, focus groups, poll and interviews. It is expected that the description, reflection and analysis of the process can contribute to the production of knowledge in the area.