Programa motivacional para o desenvolvimento de habilidades leitoras à alunos com baixo rendimento
2018-02-09Registro en:
Torezan, Keila Roberta
Reading, as a learning tool for new conceptions and inestimable importance in the social context, has been pointed as one of the biggest school challenges., specially with matters in reading comprehensive, because there are many students who read but a few who understand what they read. Problems related to reading can obstruct the students’ development knowledge, in consequence of low school achieving. The teaching of reading abilities is essential for the advancement of the student with reading difficulties and, considering that low-achieving students are not motivated nor engaged in reading activities, motivation matters together with the teaching of reading abilities show up as something promising. Therefore, the main goal of this research was to develop, implement and evaluate a Motivational Reading Comprehension Program in association with the teaching of Reading Abilities for students enrolled in the elementary school that have low school achievement as a consequence of learning difficulties, learning disorders or to belong to the “público-alvo da educação especial” (Special Education Target Audience) and, also, as specific goals, to train graduation students to act as monitors in the Program; monitor the reading level of the participants during the Program; provide the teaching and the development of the reading abilities; elaborate tasks that promote the curiosity and, allow the students‘engagement in reading. This is an experimental research with qualitative and quantitative approach. Eleven students with low school achievement participated of this study, been that two participants have intellectual disability, two have autism, two have high skills and the other five have learning difficulties or disorders. Pre and after tests were done with the following instruments: Teste de Competência de Leitura de Palavras e Pseudopalavras, Compreensão da Leitura de Palavras e Frases and one Roteiro de Avaliação das Capacidades Leitoras and, during the Program application, one Roteiro de Observação and field diary were used. The results of the first part of the Program, related to the motivation matters, pointed for a change in the students’attitude in relation to the reading activities, with the increase of the engagement, auto eficácia beliefs and, an orientation in most part of the time by the intrinsic motivation. The Program also found the importance of the social matters for a bigger engagement in the reading activities as well as its efficacy to the diversity of students. The pre test show that, in spite of the students are able to read, they do not have the essential abilities domain for reading comprehension and, the after test registered a significant increase in the reading abilities domain of the students. We suggest that the Program can be replicated in the school classroom context to verify if it is effective for the school environment.