dc.contributorSilva, Carla Regina
dc.creatorSousa, Dandara Pereira
dc.identifierSOUSA, Dandara Pereira. Espaços de cuidado terapêuticos ocupacionais como estratégias de resistência e promoção das ações afirmativas e da equidade racial nos espaços universitários. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2021. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/14638.
dc.description.abstractIt is understood that racism and sexism are markers of the Brazilian social structure and play an extremely important role in the constitution of the country's inequalities and exclusions. These are social problems that historically reflect on the daily lives of the black population. One of the reflexes brought up by this question is the minority number of black students entering higher education and the difficulty of staying in universities. The project Safe Space: host and coping strategies to everyday violence of racism and sexism [Espaço seguro: acolhimento e estratégias de enfrentamento às violências cotidianas do racismo e do machismo] aimed to understand what are the impacts of racism on the daily lives of black university students, as well as their individual strategies to resist racial inequality within the academic environment . Thus, a group was formed to develop collective activities, and listening spaces for mapping and welcoming situations related to the daily racism experienced by participants. The knowledge in occupational therapy and the powers brought by human activities were used as tools for building these Collective Meetings. The project seeks to contribute to the construction of institutional proposals and policies, changes in the context of epistemic inequality, the effectiveness of affirmative action policies and student permanence and, consequently, the construction of a more egalitarian higher education environment. The present work is composed of the contextualization of racism in Brazil and Higher Education, propositions of occupational therapy that contribute to affirmative actions, reports and reflections on the experiences of Espaço Seguro in 2019
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherCâmpus São Carlos
dc.publisherTerapia Ocupacional - TO
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectTerapia Ocupacional
dc.titleEspaços de cuidado terapêuticos ocupacionais como estratégias de resistência e promoção das ações afirmativas e da equidade racial nos espaços universitários

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