dc.description.abstract | This work is a research on anarchist educational experiences and intended to recover the memory of four Modern Schools located in the city of Sorocaba, located in the interior of the state of São Paulo/Brazil, in the beginning of the 20th century: the Escola da Liga Operária de Sorocaba, the Modern School of St. Rosália, the Modern School of Votorantim and the School located in the Chácara de Vicente de Cária, and thus understand their relevance or not in the historical, political and educational context of the city. From these general objectives, three specific objectives are articulated: to analyze what was the historical context that led to the
foundation of anarchist schools in Sorocaba/SP; identify how, when and why the Modern Schools of Sorocaba were founded; understand what were the reasons that led to the closing of these schools. In order to achieve these goals and due to the need demonstrated by exploratory research, in principle, the methodology provided for documentary and field research, through which it was intended to have access to some historical documents relevant to the subject in the places where they are dedicated to their preservation. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the researcher's visit to the planned sites became unfeasible and this was the only stage of the project that underwent changes, as it was included in the initial research proposal, but it was not carried out . That said, as an alternative to overcome this setback and as also foreseen, in relation to the project methodology, a bibliographical research was carried out, which accessed classic authors in the discussion between anarchism and education (MALATESTA, 2018; KROPOTKIN, 2013; FERRER Y GUARDIA , 2014; BAKUNIN, 1975, 2001, 2015 and 2016; GALLO, 1992 and 2007; MORIYÓN, 1989), the production of consolidated historians of the city of Sorocaba (CAVALHEIRO, 2009; CARVALHO, 2007) and some academic works dealing with the same theme (ROMANI, 1998, SOUZA, 2016; SILVA, 2013). As a result, from the analysis of selected bibliographies that dealt with anarchism, the State, freedom and education, it was possible to understand fundamental concepts to the research theme and introduce the existing connection between these concepts and the anarchist educational experiences carried out in schools sorocabanas, known only from the bibliographic records to which it was possible to have access. It was also possible to socially and historically contextualize the anarchist influence on the labor movement and education in the city of Sorocaba and describe, within the limits of the research, the anarchist schools in Sorocaba and Votorantim, without the intention, however, of ending the theme , but to foster future research. | |