Geração de bioeletricidade, através do bagaço e da palha da cana-de-açúcar
2021-01-11Registro en:
Mercante, André Luiz Petrini
The problems of using non-renewable energies and the need to look for renewable alternatives, which are less harmful to the environment and important to meet the growing demand for energy, make several countries strive to develop new technologies, through research and studies, with the objective of replacing the use of non-renewable energies, following a new world order that seeks to rethink the ways of obtaining and generating electric energy while preserving the environment. This work presents the ability to generate bioelectricity through sugarcane bagasse and straw, and its potential to guarantee the high efficiency of energy cogeneration in the plants. Sugarcane biomass offers many advantages that contribute to preserving the environment in the future. Energy cogeneration, from bagasse and straw, is a good alternative for the Brazilian energy matrix. There are still other advantages in the use of bagasse for energy generation, such as the addition of low-cost energy to the system, immune to exchange rate variations and oil prices. Bagasse and straw can become even more important components in the Brazilian energy matrix, and the potential for this already exists.