O Plano de Ações Articuladas - PAR: o processo de indução das políticas educacionais dos sistemas municipais de ensino
2016-06-30Registro en:
Oliveira, Beatriz Alves de
The present research aims to analyze the complexity of the development,
implementation and correlation between education public policies and educational
management. The object of this research is the o Programa de Ações Articuladas (PAR)
linked to other educational public policies such as: the O Programa de Desenvolvimento
da Educação (PDE), Compromisso Todos pela Educação e o Índice de Desenvolvimento
da Educação Brasileira (IDEB) .The interest in researching this topic is related to the
importance of investigating the rationalization and the internationalization of educational
public policies undertaken by the Brazilian State. The topic presents the following
research questions: To what extent do the education public policies, planned by State,
present homogeneous, regulatory and disciplinary characteristics? Do the public policies
democratically meet or not the local interests and specificities? The aim of this study is
to verify if the induction process of education policies connected to PAR has resulted in
control and disciplinary policies of the educational action of municipalities by means of
an internationalization policy of the Federal Government in the municipality spheres to
improve the control of State or if the concretization of the PAR has been directed to the
regional and local specificities. The methodological procedure is based on the
bibliographical and documentary research and the data was collected through an online
questionnaire. The theoretical framework of this investigation was based on the following
categories: federalism, centralism/decentralism process, collaboration regime, autonomy,
republican policy, social democracy policy, accountability, governance and soft power.
Thereby, the PAR, like others Federal Government policies, has been implemented and
used to consolidate measuring instruments and monitoring policies, thus introducing in
the public education the governance forms to increasingly reduce the autonomy and
capacity of local decision.