dc.contributorRaia Junior, Archimedes Azevedo
dc.creatorPrado, Ana Carolina Oliveira
dc.identifierPRADO, Ana Carolina Oliveira. Eficiência e eficácia da filosofia "Visão Zero" na segurança de trânsito. 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Urbana) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2019. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/11837.
dc.description.abstractRoad accidents have increased and generated many material and human losses, especially in developing countries. Traffic accidents can occur in many ways and many factors are involved in these occurrences, from human failures, engineering and the environment itself. The consequences of these failures have killed more than 1.2 million people annually and the forecast is not optimistic, these figures are expected to reach almost 1.9 million by 2020, in addition to the many injured, and the most worrying is to be the main cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29 years. In order to find solutions to the problems of accidentality, many countries have taken measures that are reducing the occurrence of accidents, among them Sweden, which developed an important concept, Zero Vision (VZ), with the aim of reviewing its traffic accidents and how to treat them, this new perception of accidents has an important differential, considers a range of road safety officers, not only road users, but also assumes that the human being makes mistakes and that these errors should not be punished with death. The aim of the present research was to survey the results obtained by Sweden with the creation of the VZ philosophy, as well as the other countries that adopted this philosophy to reduce accidents. From the VZ state of the art, a survey was made with experts from the area of road safety and engineering, from which it was observed that it is possible to adopt VZ in Brazil, despite the difficulties that may arise due to cultural problems that affect the effective application of elements necessary for the application of this philosophy, such as Commitment, as well as the strategy for creating and enforcing security policies.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de São Carlos
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana - PPGEU
dc.publisherCâmpus São Carlos
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectAcidentalidade viária
dc.subjectVisão zero
dc.subjectEstado da arte
dc.subjectPesquisa com especialistas
dc.subjectRoad accidents
dc.subjectVision zero
dc.subjectState of the art
dc.subjectResearch with specialists
dc.titleEficiência e eficácia da filosofia "Visão Zero" na segurança de trânsito

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