dc.creatorSantos, Thays Brenner [UNIFESP]
dc.creatorKramer-Soares, Juliana Carlota [UNIFESP]
dc.creatorFavaro, Vanessa Manchim [UNIFESP]
dc.creatorMenezes Oliveira, Maria Gabriela [UNIFESP]
dc.identifierNeurobiology Of Learning And Memory. San Diego, v. 144, p. 1-10, 2017.
dc.description.abstractTime plays an important role in conditioning, it is not only possible to associate stimuli with events that overlap, as in delay fear conditioning, but it is also possible to associate stimuli that are discontinuous in time, as shown in trace conditioning for a discrete stimuli. The environment itself can be a powerful conditioned stimulus (CS) and be associated to unconditioned stimulus (US). Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the parameters in which contextual fear conditioning occurs by the maintenance of a contextual representation over short and long time intervals. The results showed that a contextual representation can be maintained and associated after 5 s, even in the absence of a 15 s re-exposure to the training context before US delivery. The same effect was not observed with a 24 h interval of discontinuity. Furthermore, optimal conditioned response with a 5 s interval is produced only when the contexts (of pre-exposure and shock) match. As the pre-limbic cortex (PL) is necessary for the maintenance of a continuous representation of a stimulus, the involvement of the PL in this temporal and contextual processing was investigated. The reversible inactivation of the PL by muscimol infusion impaired the acquisition of contextual fear conditioning with a 5 s interval, but not with a 24 h interval, and did not impair delay fear conditioning. The data provided evidence that short and long intervals of discontinuity have different mechanisms, thus contributing to a better understanding of PL involvement in contextual fear conditioning and providing a model that considers both temporal and contextual factors in fear conditioning. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
dc.publisherAcademic Press Inc Elsevier Science
dc.relationNeurobiology Of Learning And Memory
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.subjectContextual fear conditioning
dc.subjectTrace conditioning
dc.subjectMedial prefrontal cortex
dc.subjectPrelimbic cortex
dc.titleInvolvement of the prelimbic cortex in contextual fear conditioning with temporal and spatial discontinuity

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