dc.contributorDokkyo Univ
dc.contributorUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
dc.contributorJichi Med Sch
dc.contributorJuntendo Univ
dc.creatorTsuji, K.
dc.creatorMiyasaka, Lincoln Sakiara [UNIFESP]
dc.creatorOtsuka, K.
dc.creatorHonda, G.
dc.creatorKato, S.
dc.creatorAbe, Y.
dc.identifierPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Carlton: Blackwell Science Asia, v. 55, n. 2, p. 127-130, 2001.
dc.description.abstractThe comparatively high salaries made in Japan are attractive to many Japanese-Brazilians. the number of individuals from this ethnic group being treated in Japanese mental hospitals has increased. We hypothesized that Japanese-Brazilian patients with panic disorders adjusted better to Japanese society and culture than those with other mental disorders. the subjects in the present study are 40 Japanese-Brazilian patients undergoing treatment at the Department of Psychiatry at Jichi Medical School, Japan, from May 1990 to September 1998. Patients were divided into a panic disorder group, a schizophrenic group, a mood disorder group and a neurosis group. Demographic data (Japanese language ability, duration of residence in Japan etc.) were collected. A comparison was made among the four groups. Patients in the panic disorder group showed a significant tendency to be fluent speakers of Japanese. Patients in the panic disorder group also had been in Japan for a significantly longer period of time than those in the other three groups. Japanese ability and length of residence in Japan rule out exacerbating factors due to a foreign living environment. Panic disorder patients usually have resolved the problems inherent in living and working in a foreign country. in general, Japanese-Brazilians are more comfortable both financially and socially in Japan than other foreign laborers because of their cultural and family background. the emotional conflict experienced by such patients may result from concern over whether to live in Brazil or Japan in the future. Their ethnic and cultural identity may be confused, fluctuating between identifying with Brazil and with Japan, and this may cause vague feelings of anxiety.
dc.publisherBlackwell Science Asia
dc.relationPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectemigration and immigration
dc.subjectlife change events
dc.subjectpanic disorder
dc.titlePanic disorder cases in Japanese-Brazilians in Japan: Their ethnic and cultural confusion

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