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Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey e Health Assessment Questionnaire em mulheres submetidas à abdominoplastia em âncora após cirurgia bariátrica
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OMONTE, Ivan René Viana. Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey e Health Assessment Questionnaire em mulheres submetidas à abdominoplastia em âncora após cirurgia bariátrica. 2011. 205 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paul, 2011.
Omonte, Ivan René Viana [UNIFESP]
Introdução: A cirurgia bariatrica tem possibilitado perda de peso com consequente excesso de pele e tela subcutanea. A abdominoplastia em ancora auxilia na melhora das deformidades resultantes da perda de peso. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e a capacidade funcional em mulheres submetidas a abdominoplastia em ancora apos cirurgia bariatrica. METODOS: Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey e Health Assessment Questionnaire foram utilizados para mensuracao prospectiva de qualidade de vida e capacidade funcional em 30 mulheres submetidas a abdominoplastia em ancora apos cirurgia bariatrica. As medidas de qualidade de vida foram realizadas no pre-operatorio e nos pos-operatorios de tres e seis meses, e comparadas com Grupo Controle. O indice de significancia estatistica adotado foi 0,05. RESULTADOS: O dominio Capacidade Funcional do Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey evoluiu com melhora entre o pre-operatorio e o pos-operatorio de seis meses (p=0,047) e entre o pos-operatorio de tres meses e o pos-operatorio de seis meses (p=0,009), sem diferenca entre os grupos Abdominoplastia e Controle (p=0,442). O dominio Dor Corporal do Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey evoluiu com melhora entre o pre-operatorio e o pos-operatorio de seis meses (p=0,022), sem diferenca entre os grupos Abdominoplastia e Controle (p=0,723). O Health Assessment Questionnaire nao apresentou diferenca estatistica nos periodos avaliados, nem entre os grupos Abdominoplastia e Controle. CONCLUSAO: A abdominoplastia em ancora nao alterou a qualidade de vida e a capacidade funcional em mulheres apos a cirurgia bariatrica INTRODUCTION: Bariatric surgery has allowed for weight loss with
consequent excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. The anchor-line
Abdominoplasty helps in the improvement of deformities resulting from
weight loss. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the quality of life and functional ability
in women submitted to anchor-line Abdominoplasty after bariatric surgery.
METHODS: Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey
and the Health Assessment Questionnaire were used to measure
prospective quality of life and functional ability in 30 women submitted to
anchor-line Abdominoplasty after bariatric surgery. The quality of life
measurement was held in the preoperative and in the postoperative of three
and six months, which was compared with the Control Group. The
statistical significance level adopted was 0.05. RESULTS: The Physical
Functioning domain of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form
Health Survey evolved with improvement between the preoperative and
postoperative period of six months (p=0.047) and between the
postoperative of three months and the postoperative of six months
(p=0.009), with no difference between the Abdominoplasty and Control
Group (p=0.442). The Bodily Pain domain of the Medical Outcomes Study
36-Item Short-Form Health Survey evolved with improves between the
preoperative and postoperative period of six months (p=0.022), with no
difference between the Abdominoplasty and Control Group (p=0.723). The
Health Assessment Questionnaire presented no statistical difference in the
evaluated periods, or between the Abdominoplasty and Control Group.
CONCLUSION: The anchor-line Abdominoplasty did not alter the quality of
life and functional ability in women after bariatric surgery